It has been a busy week in Grade Two … from Terry Fox Run to Bus Evacuation drills, science experiments to playing Pizza Tag in PE (which the students all loved!) and starting a new unit in Math about Sequencing, it has been full!
October … hard to believe that we are already a month into school! But here we are entering into October with lots of things to mark on the calendar.
October Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, October 5th – Healthy Relationships Assembly
Monday, October 10th – Thanksgiving holiday
Tuesday, October 11th – Pro D Day
Monday, October 17th – Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip
Tuesday, October 18th – Photo Retakes
Thursday, October 20th – Province wide Earthquake drill
Friday, October 21st – Interim reports go home
Tuesday-Thursday, October 25th-27th – Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday, October 26th – Knight Day
Friday, October 28th – Fall Dress Up Day and October Scholastic Orders due
This is our first week of 20 words. The list will be introduced on Monday, October 3rd, and tested on Friday, October 7th.
To further enhance your spelling practice each week, there is a link, ‘Spelling City’ on my homepage where you can click the link and it will take you to a place where your child can practice there spelling list at home on the computer. I will post our new list there each Friday, and hopefully it is a fun way to engage your child in practicing spelling lists 🙂
- call
- row
- salt
- belong
- bring
- bite
- get
- send
- coat
- tell
- how
- yard
- low
- other
- men
- apple
- well
- late
- that
- them
Bible Memory:
Psalm 138:1-4
“I will give You thanks with all my heart; I will sing praises to You before the gods. I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word according to all Your name. When I call, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength. All the kings of the earth shall give you thanks, O Lord, for they have heard the words of your mouth”
There has been some confusion about Bible Memory, I’m sorry about that, so let me try and clarify. I will test at the end of our passage to see how well each student has memorized the memory verse. Between now and the end, on each Friday, I will check in with a few students, but not all, to see how well they are doing and to help keep them on track. I hope this provides some clarity.
Reminders and Other Information:
- Thank you to all who donated money for our Terry Fox run! It is much appreciated.
- Permission slip for a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch will be going home today
- Reminder to bring your ‘Comfort Kits’ in if you have not already done so
- In the week ahead I am planning to start my Home Reading program with the students, please look for that in this next week, and I would love to see all the students really engage and participate fully in this
A Couple Pictures from our Terry Fox Run …
… and then playing afterwards 🙂