Educational Websites

These are OPTIONAL Educational Websites that you can try out if you are looking for something more to do. If you finish what I have asked you to do, and have more time on your hands but want to keep practicing, great! But no pressure or obligation to do anything with these websites at all.

Informational Reading/Researching Topic of Interest 

Encyclopedia Britannica Kids

  • Feel like reading about something that interests you … an interesting animal, something about plants … whatever interests you, have a look and see!



  1. Open the link
  2. Select Students & Educators Login
  3. Enter this code: ren6563
  4. Read or listen to stories of your choice


Xtra Math

  • create a free account and practice some basic math skills


  • create your own free account – when it asks for a teachers code just say you don’t have one


BrainPop Jr. –


  • A mix of all types of activities – math, language arts, seasonal activities
  • Costs to join – but there are FREE activities if you don’t sign in, you just don’t have access to everything

Draw a stickman.