It’s Here!

Well, we made it to Spring Break … a much needed and well deserved time for rest and relaxing. The students have all been working hard, especially to catch up after all the missed days that we had. I hope the next couple weeks you are all able to enjoy some family time and some freedom from routine and obligation … well at least where school is concerned 🙂

Dates to Remember:

Monday, March 27th – School Resumes

Wednesday, March 29th – Knight Day

Reminders and Other Information:

  • Report cards went home today
  • This week I also sent home some assessment that we have done over the past week:
    • a phonogram quiz
    • spelling sentence practice – students used spelling words to create simple sentences independently – corrections have been made on these, but you can look at see how your child does and what kind of errors they make (markings are present)

Pictures from Our Week:

Owen brought his dog, Roxy, for show n’ tell – the kids were all very excited!

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